UNION is an AI based Art exposition by Laura MM, the exposition drives us though an dystopian future in where Technology supporters and technology opponents went to war for several years. Now after all that dead and suffer the society has learnt to coexist and this exposition is meant to keep the memories of those times were both bands could not stand each-other...
Die-cut chromes
Kromo trokelatuak
Cromos troquelados
Can you guess the #hashtag?
#Hastag-aezagutzen duzu?
¿Reconoces el #hashtag?
IA generated image
IAk sortutako irudia
Imagen generada por IA
This is how it looks like the afterparty on the new technological era.
Imagen de los desechos generados por una fiesta en el el metaverso.
Sound Sculpture
Soinuko eskultura
Escultura sonora
IA generated image
IAk sortutako irudia
Imagen generada por IA
Metal Curtain
Metalezko gortina
Cortina Metalica
This building use cookies.
Eraikin honek cookieak erabiltzen ditu.
Este edificio usa cookies.
Metacrilate and software
Metakrilatoa eta softwarea
Metacrilato y software
A new religion.
Erlijio berri bat.
Una nueva religión.
Die-cast chromes Kromo trokelatuak
Cromos troquelados
Can you guess the #hashtag? #Hastag-aezagutzen duzu? ¿Reconoces el #hashtag?
Die-cast chromes Kromo trokelatuak
Cromos troquelados
Can you guess the #hashtag? #Hastag-aezagutzen duzu? ¿Reconoces el #hashtag?
Die-cast chromes Kromo trokelatuak
Cromos troquelados
Can you guess the #hashtag? #Hastag-aezagutzen duzu? ¿Reconoces el #hashtag?
Die-cast chromes Kromo trokelatuak
Cromos troquelados
Can you guess the #hashtag? #Hastag-aezagutzen duzu? ¿Reconoces el #hashtag?